
Showing posts from October, 2023

my NDA Visit...

  सेवा परमो धर्मः When Discipline Is Not Only In Your Blood But Also In Bone Marrow.. my Maternal uncles served in AMC (Army Medical Corps) MES (Military Engineering Services) The Corps Of  Signals & MECH INF  (Mechanised Infantry Regiment) One of them was also a part of Kargil War (Operation Vijay 1999). Well; Visiting NDA The National Defence Academy was one of my dreams; more than a dream actually. Way back in 2000 tried applying however my form got rejected due to their strict age criteria which put me down somehow however continued my dedication towards NCC (National Cadet Corps) SW and achieved a lot from participating-leading cultural activities(singing-playing instruments) to sharing dining table with army ustaads (drill instructors) & officers being from  Cadet-CHM (Company Havaldar Major) to -Instructor For RDC (Republic Day Camp) as well as in various collages till 2003. Would also like to mention that i was awarded a merit certificate in CDF (Civic Defence Force