Self*** Motivation Is The KEY...

When you feel down to edge and all possible solution seems out of reach; Just remind yourself that you are alone enough to motivate & support as you did it for others in need with all possible ways.

It doesn't matter if they don't stand by you now; They were never instead because I believe those who were only in your merry and gains and didn't understand your pain really don't deserve to be in your life. They have just used you in their perspective. And you being a cherisher to love-life & friendship doesn't always mean you will get what you tried to spread for others on contrary take pride that you are going against the flow of selfishness-lies and audacity of being inhuman.

Darkness is all over buddy and rather blaming yourself as culprit; Try and raise yourself to be the sunshine and stand by who are going through the same. Try to reduce and bring it to minimal; You may have to be unconventional sometime.

Forget what others did to you; Just remember what you did for them because that will come around you in some or the other way as good deeds never go waste and even the bad one never fades. The world is all about give and take however not in the same form; The evaluation and perception always vary and it's subject to change.

Does KARMA really fruitful..???

Yeah; It may not what you desire however definitely what you deserve... It may get delayed sometime however can't be abandoned.

So keep continuing to maintain the same mindset and follow your heart over mind because I strongly believe that neither you are the only one who is going through nor the one who thinks good for others. The population may be below average for the category however definitely can dominate the negative strength.

So; Keep Motivating And Never Let Yourself Down Resulting Into Never Let Anyone Down...

Keep Rocking; DOTAKECARE...






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